Anyway. I made this (different colors than Amy) for a friend's mother who was so kind to host us all weekend. We were complete strangers to her and she was the sweetest woman I think that I have ever met. She was just so warm and welcoming and so much fun. DH seems to think it is too personal to give someone that I have just met, but I think that it is perfect.
Now, with it being 10:30 pm and all, I don't have a frame for it just yet. I am going to stop at the dollar store tomorrow and get a plain frame and white wash it to match the clean simplicity of the design and colors.
I used Papertrey white, Aqua Mist, and Spring Moss paper, as well as Aqua Mist, Spring Moss, and Palette Noir ink. I just used a blender pen and dabbed on the edge of the ink pad to color in the quilt squares. And yes, I am just getting this set. My mother got it for me for my birthday two weeks ago. And now I have seen the add on set and I -must- have it. Soon. Very soon.
That's all for now, kids.