I went to the stamp club meeting, which was 5 minutes from me (rather than the hour round trip just to pick up stamps with the previous demo). I got there a few minutes early because it was dark and I wasn't -exactly- sure where I was going. The demo was really nice and very welcoming and her home is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
So I sat down and we chatted a few moments and then the rest of the ladies came in and the demo introduced me to them. I felt weird...I feel weird meeting new people and I get really nervous and stutter like a moron. On top of that fact, I have a horrible cold sore that is making me look like a leper...so I felt even more freakish. They were all incredibly nice though, cold sore or not.
We made two projects. This was a new concept for me...seeing as how I am a pretty much self taught stamper. Stamping with others is FUN too! We chatted and cracked jokes and had snacks (oh I need that veggie pizza recipie.....yum).

This is the first. It is a gift card holder made from a 12x12 sheet of the double sided paper from the Holiday Mini. No cuts, only folds. I am hoping to be able to reproduce it for a class I am going to teach at Michael's...but we will see when I try it on my own tonight. We inserted small corrdinating cards which I stamped with Circle of Friendship. Some of the ladies did snowflakes, but I really was feeling this cranberry color!
This is the second one. My apologies for the crooked scan...but the durn thing just WOULD NOT stay still on the scanner bed. I will try and photograph it this evening and then repost it. This is an accordian fold card. The inside (not shown, obviously) is a piece of cardstock slightly smaller than the outside of the card itself. It is folded into an accordian shape every 1" and glued to the front and back cover. The outside is Always Artichoke, Cranberry Crisp, Creamy Caramel, and confetti kraft all edged with a sponge and Chocolate Chip ink. The image is from Always On My Mind. I am not sure what set the sentiment is from though.
All in all...loved stamp club. I can't wait untill next month to go and spend time with these ladies again and stamp some more cool things. In fact, my demo invited me to do a couple of her stamp camps if I am so inclined to do so...I think I will...it sounds like a ton of fun to me. The one thing that stamp club did do to me....was it made me regret unmounting my SU stamps. I miss the wood. I miss it alot. I might go home and re-wood mount everything (my boyfriend will KILL me) so that I can use it more often. I stamped more before I went totally unmounted. I wonder if that is the problem? Meh. ;)
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